Friday, July 11, 2008

Prayer and Peanut Butter

Apparently lots of prayer and 2 Tbsp peanut butter 2x a day helped Claire reach the 20 lb marker. We haven't seen 20lbs since last July or so.... yeah! Claire had her 2 year check up finally and she had reached that goal.. we are still concerned about her weight so the doc requested a couple of blood tests to check to see about her nutrition levels.... waiting to hear the results.....
Now Miss Molly had her 2 month check up and all is well.... She weighed about 11 1/2 lbs and was almost 24 inches long! way to go girl.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Pretty girls

Some new pics of the girls enjoying summer and from Claire and Molly's baby dedication. Such sweet girls if I do say so myself!

All Set For Mayo

The appointment is scheduled Aug 18, and we have received our packet of info. We will have appointments on Aug 18, Aug 20 and Aug 21. Will be a busy few days. Need prayer for rest and strength to handle whatever we will face.

One other request is immediate for Claire. She is having so many seizures a day and burning so many calories that we cannot feed her enough and she has lost 2 more pounds. Pray that the seizures would slow down in number and that we could feed her enough protein/fatty foods to help.