Monday, May 17, 2010


It's official........ I have an almost 7 year old... a 4 year old and a 2 year old.... where has time gone? When did I get 3 kids? When did I get old enough to have 3 kids these ages? Wow! I mean I know I have 3 kids but sometimes I look around them and the thought goes to my head.... These are all mine! I HAVE 3 KIDS!

What a crazy almost 7 years these have been. We have experienced incredible highs and lows and along have been trusting in God to lead us through each day and each moment at times.

Sometimes I think we get too far ahead of ourselves where our kids come in and we begin to plan and dream way too far into the future. I just told my mom the other day, that I think maybe God and Claire have this all figured out. Maybe we shouldn't dream and try to plan out our future, but just to live and appreciate each day for what it is. Not that I don't have dreams (big dreams for Claire... I would love to see her walk, talk, be completely healed...) but I have also come to realize that I can't plan for her future in the least, only God knows what is ahead for her and us, so I am learning to appreciate each day with her, to enjoy the smiles and giggles when they come, to praise her "baby" steps in therapy and to snuggle with her each day. I think I might should apply some of those lessons to my other kids as well.... take them for who they are and what they do right almost 7 and 2.

I just read a blog from a mom who lost one of her children to a mitochondrial disease about 6 months ago.... she still has one daughter. She was talking about how crazy life is and how parenthood is so incredibly difficult at times.... Like a complicated dance when you know the least bit about dancing... To quote from her, "Parenthood is this crazy dance combining love and affirmation with a dash of discipline and a twist of pure insanity." ( And as she so eloquently says at the end of her blog, "I can only pray that God will take my crazy clumsy steps and make a beautiful dance." I think that is what we all hope for with our children, that we would be good stewards of them and the time that we are given them. Oh precious each one of my daughters is to me. I love you Hope, Claire and Molly!