Monday, October 26, 2009

Mission Heart

Since jr high days, and maybe even before...... I have longed to do some short term mission work. This was fulfilled in jr high and high school by some state side mission trips every summer.

Since joining the world of adulthood and married life... Russell and I have also enjoyed being a part of 2 overseas mission trips, Latvia and Austria. We enjoyed serving together and traveling to parts of the world neither of us have ever seen.

And now I am feeling the tug on my heart once again. I think anytime an opportunity is available, I want to sign up. We have had to pass on some trips before, just not feasible for us at the time. Or our place wasn't to go, but to pray.

Why do I feel this need to go? Is it because of sharing my story of Jesus' love with those who don't know or never have heard?

Is it because I love to travel and want to explore this amazing world?

Is it because it gets me out of my comfort zone and really allows me to come in contact with those who need Jesus love?

It is probably a combination of all of it. A desire to do something greater than myself, to see the world, to reach out past my own kids and family and church , to live extreme for a week....

But how do you know if you are really supposed to go? How do you know if God has called you to do THIS particular trip? How do you know IF he will provide a way to go? When do you just step out on FAITH?

"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15

"Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, and teaching them to obey everything I have commaned you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesss in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8

Friday, October 16, 2009

Have Faith

Exciting news here at the Ratliff household.....

And no, we are not expecting another bundle of joy.....

However, it is even more exciting than that.....

Can you stand the excitement a moment longer?????

Our very own Hope, invited Jesus into her heart! Yeah! Praise the Lord!!

We have been talking about this for a while, but she came in last night after cheerleading practice and told her Daddy that she was ready to pray and invite Jesus to come live in her heart. And what sweet words she said in her own prayer (not led by her Daddy or me).

So now we will get to visit with the pastor and set aside a time for baptism.
We are so proud of her and excited to see how God will shape her into a lovely young woman.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Molly time

Oh Molly pop, Molly pop, oh Molly, Molly Pop!

Where shall I begin with her...... she is the completion of our family. She never fails to bring laughter each day, and a good dose of joy as well. She has the funniest facial expressions, from her great big "oh" each time she sees someone or something new. To her little pouty frown and furrowed brow, to her squeals of frustrations, to her infectious giggle.

She has learned some sign language and uses it pretty consistently for "more", "please", "thank you", "help me" and "drink".
She is speaking quite a few words these days, her latest addition is "quack quack".

Molly is independent, loves to play by herself. She is loveable, always ready to give hugs and kisses. She loves to sit in chairs and be big.