Thursday, September 1, 2011


Over the past several weeks I have felt a tugging in my heart for some ministry changes. Is it because we have been going non stop for a year now? Is it becasue my focus has changed? Is God truly the one tugging my heart or is it out of selfish reasons? I'll try to fill in the reasons later.....

But I do know that after 17 years of working in some role in children's ministry on Wed nights, from Mission Friends, GAs, Bible Drill, to AWANAS. I have turned in my resignation and given up working...whew! As I write this and say this, my heart beats a little faster and I begin to sweat! Really???!! Give up my beloved Children's Ministry?! What am I to do now? Am I growing up, maturing? Time to move on to "adult" ministries? hmmm?????

I do know that I feel called by God to serve beside my husband as we teach our adult Sunday School class. I feel that we have an incredible opportunity to support and fellowship and lead these other young couples.

I also feel called by God to homeschool my kids and to have home health therapy for Claire, which means 5 days a week we are busy with school and therapy---which can leave little time for other major preparations. What an incredible opportunity I have each day around my kitchen table to teach the Word of God to my kids and then impart knowledge in their hearts and minds! Wow! what an amazing responsibility.

It does seem I have moved on to some more "adult" roles....Sunday School, committee member, choir? (still considering that option....) As the door has closed for now on Children's ministry, I am excited about the new places God is leading now but holding out that in the future I can return to my beloved place among kids.....I guess only time and really finally God will be the say in that.

So to those of you struggling with ministry choices and your heart's ear to hear God and the tugging in your heart as to where He would have you serve..... may we serve with joy and gladness.....