Sunday, April 24, 2011


He is not here! He is Risen!

Probably one of my favorite Bible stories---the Easter story! Still takes my breath away to think about the amazing sacrifice that Christ did for us. Amazing love! Oh that I would remember daily what you have done for me and that then you conquered death and the grave and you are ALIVE today!

Ok flashback to about 5 years ago, Hope goes to Sunday School on Palm Sunday. Her lesson that week is of course about the Triumphal Entry. Her teacher asks the question, "What did Jesus ride into town on?" And Hope answers, "a donkey!" Good job, Hope!

Fastforward to this year. We are reading the Miss Pattycake Easter book. I ask Molly, "what did Jesus ride into town on?" and Molly answers, "a donkey!" Good job, Molly! And then I ask, "what did the people say when they saw Jesus?" and Molly says, "Hey Jesus! Why you riding that donkey!" Ha ha ha!

We have had a wonderful Easter time, from reading Miss Pattycake, to decorating eggs, to hunting eggs at church. Even Claire enjoyed the fun of coloring eggs and hunting them!

Thank you Jesus for Easter!

Easter Morning!

Pajama Time!

Easter Eggs!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Our Year so Far!

Whew! This year is flying by and we have filled it with all kinds of fun, crazy activities! Here are a few of our highlights!

*Trip to Nicaragua
*Move to a new house
*ACES started
*Valentine Banquet
*State Basketball Tournament(just got to go watch)
*2 girls Birthday party
*Spring Break to Grandma's

And here are some of our pictures from the year! Enjoy!