Monday, October 5, 2009

Molly time

Oh Molly pop, Molly pop, oh Molly, Molly Pop!

Where shall I begin with her...... she is the completion of our family. She never fails to bring laughter each day, and a good dose of joy as well. She has the funniest facial expressions, from her great big "oh" each time she sees someone or something new. To her little pouty frown and furrowed brow, to her squeals of frustrations, to her infectious giggle.

She has learned some sign language and uses it pretty consistently for "more", "please", "thank you", "help me" and "drink".
She is speaking quite a few words these days, her latest addition is "quack quack".

Molly is independent, loves to play by herself. She is loveable, always ready to give hugs and kisses. She loves to sit in chairs and be big.

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