Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Gap

Many things come to mind when I hear those 2 little words.... The Gap.... the clothing store, the phrase "mind the gap" that you see all over London (don't step over the line in the subways), the God shaped hole that is within all of us....
But for me today, they represent the time that has elapsed since I last posted a blog......

Wherever shall I begin....2 months and a lot has happend.....

We had snow and lots of it in February! Snow icecream, snow men, snowball fights--too fun!

Then mom and I took all 3 girls on a 3,000 mile journey to Florida and South Carolina. We visited great Grandad and some great friends... the beach, Medieval Times, Gatorland....lots of fun, lots of miles, lots of memories made....

We have had egg hunts, birds stealing our Easter eggs, play dates and many more things.
Russell wrapped up basketball season and is barreling right along with track. We got to take a few days to ourselves and go to the state basketball tournament in Austin. Then over Spring Break he had some minor surgery... which he is still healing from.
So the girls got to spend 9 days with Grandma and Pappaw! Fun!
It seems as if life is never dull and always moving forward. This month we will celebrate 2 of the girls birthdays, plus my own.... wow how time flies!
Hope is wrapping up her 1st grade year. We have 2 more weeks left of ACES (homeschool coop) and she has learned an awful lot about the Civil War time period. She is active in all church activities (choir, Sunday School, and worship). And she has played lots with friends. And now that the weather is warming up, we can find her outside on her trampoline most days.

Claire is doing well. Still battling seizures almost daily, but we continue to be hopeful that we can get them back under control. For the 3rd month in a row, she has met most if not all of her short term therapy goals. She has been allowed to have a little bit of liquid by mouth again. She is starting to weight bear on her arms some and has been giggling quite a lot. She has gotten both a stander and a gait trainer as well as her own special "tomato" chair to sit with us on the floor. We are very proud of her!

Molly is still a little joy to have around. Daily she is spouting forth more words we didn't even know she knew. I think though my favorite is still yocks... (socks)... cracks me up. She is active and also loves to be outside all the time. She will follow me out the door most mornings as we take Abby out, padding along in her pjs... and asking if she can swing!

God has blessed us in some many ways..... may the rest of the year be as full of memories as the first 4 months have been. And maybe I will be better at posting more...

Enjoy the slideshow.

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