Friday, February 17, 2012


Hope and I are planning on making a return trip to Nicaragua in May. We are so excited! We have decided to try and help us raise money we are going to make pillowcases to sell. Hope has already been selling her pillowcases for the past 2 semesters at ACES (homeschool coop) so now we have decided to branch out to the public.

So if you are interested in a pillowcase, here is the info you need.

Cost: $15

What you tell us: boy or girl and color preference

What you get: a home sewn, hand selected one of a kind pillowcase

Our goal for the trip is 100 pillowcases. We are also donating to a local children's hospital if you don't need the pillowcase but would like to help with the trip. Or if God is leading you, we would accept a monetary donation as well.

Of course we covet your prayers above all that He would be preparing our hearts to share and the ears and hearts of the Nicaraguan people to be open to hearing the Good News.

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