Thursday, September 4, 2008

Rolly Pollee

My baby has learned to roll! Molly started rolling over back to front on Tuesday! Yikes--we better watch out--Claire has already been rolled upon several times! She hasn't quite figured out yet that she can roll over and over .... but I'm sure that time is just moments away! :)

Hope has had over one week of homeschooling and so far so good. We have had a couple of moments of staring one another down till the work gets done. And we had to call upon Principal Daddy one day. But so far she has learned to read over 23 words, write several letters. And we have learned about buoyancy, repititon, drawing water, China, and Ohio. All very exciting things.

Miss Claire, went 10 days seizure free, then we started having a couple of breakthrough seizures. So we have gone back to giving 2 shots a day for another week to see if that will stop them, and then hopefully as we begin weaning off the medicine again, we can maintain. If not, we will be looking at another option...

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