Tuesday, October 7, 2008

When Italy becomes Holland

I was listening to the radio the other day for a fundraiser for families with children with terminal illness or chronic disease etc. And one mom was on and she said she is often asked what it is like having a special child and this is how she summed it up ( I wished I had thought of this)

All your life you have wanted to go to Italy. So you finally plan a trip. You are ready to see the gondolas, the Michael Angelos, the Sistene Chapel. You buy a Italian phrase book. You pack your bags--you are so excited. The day of your trip arrives. You board the plane and after the flight ends, you are ready to land... only to hear the stewardess say, "Welcome to Holland". "What?" you say. "But what about Italy? I wanted to go to Italy?"

After you have been in Holland awhile, you realize it isn't too bad either. After all they have windmills, and tulips, and Rembrandts. And you have met a whole slew of people you never would have met before if you had gone to Italy. Now you are still sad that the dream of Italy is over, afterall, all of your friends are getting to go to Italy. And that dream is hard to let go of. But Holland has beauty if you stay awhile. It is slower pace than the flashy Italy. But it really isn't so bad. And look at all of the new things you have learned, and seen, and experienced. You are a better person for having gotten to go to Holland.

Boy that mom truly did express what living with a "special" child is all about. Although we are still in the midst of our experience in Holland. I can reflect and say I am glad we are here. I do miss Italy occassionally. (OK a lot some days) But then I am so glad that God blessed us not only with Claire and "Holland" but also with Hope and Molly in "Italy". Maybe we get the best of both worlds!


Kelly said...

Well said...

stephanie said...

WOW!!! I'm glad you had the chance to listen. I miss you. How is everyone?

Catherine said...

How sweet! And I hope you know that I can't imagine anyone better for God to have chosen to give His special child to than you and Russell! You are wonderful parents! Love you bunches!